We are ALL Unique – and Our Healthy Lifestyle should be TOO!


It’s true. We all have our preferences, dislikes, beliefs, opinions, etc. Those things make us unique and stand out from others. If everyone was the same then life would be so boring because we would already know what everyone is going to do or say. Yes, we have our similarities, but it’s our differences that set us apart. So then why should we all adhere to one diet plan and healthy lifestyle?
Simple. We shouldn’t.

In the health industry there are thousands of different opinions on what is healthy and what is not. There are many different diets and exercise plans. Each person is going to promote their own beliefs on the topic whether they are based on facts (or not) or own personal experiences. This can be very intimidating when first starting out on a healthy lifestyle or weight loss journey. Sometimes even well into the journey it can still be mind-rattling because it’s such a controversial topic, and it should be (we’re talking about your health)!

As I’ve stated there are many many many…many many…many varieties of healthy lifestyle rules, so how do we pick out the ones that are valuable and which ones are just garbage? In my opinion, the person that you should listen to and follow when it comes to healthy living is YOU. Of course you should listen to the healthy you, not the you that tells you to eat a whole tray of brownies. No one knows you better than yourself. You know what you like and don’t like. If a diet plan tells you that you should eat 6 times a day, but you think that’s an annoyance, then that plan isn’t right for you. If your new weight loss plan includes hitting the gym 7 days a week, but you think that’s way too much, then that plan isn’t right for you. Yes, you might have to do some things that are not desirable, such as kick the coke to the curb, but losing weight or living healthfully shouldn’t be a complete misery. It’s probably why most diets don’t work; because it doesn’t fit YOU. Chose things that you believe you can manage in your healthy lifestyle.

When you start to craft your own healthy lifestyle, yes it’s okay to have a model plan to follow, such as WeightWatchers or the Atkins diet. Although, after following it for a while, you may find that some things may not work for you, or some things that are working for you. You might want to change this and that, and keep this and that, molding your own healthy lifestyle until it’s your very own masterpiece!

In today’s society, I feel like we just accept things as they are, or think they are supposed to be (i.e. while “dieting” you are going to be very miserable). It doesn’t have to be that way! We just have to find out what works for us and our body. Remember, one healthy lifestyle does not fit all!

“Today you are YOU, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is YOUER than YOU.” – Dr. Seuss